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List of birds of Iowa : ウィキペディア英語版
List of birds of Iowa

This is a list of all birds recorded in Iowa, based on the list published by the Iowa Ornithologists' Union. The following markings are used:
*(C) Casual - a species seen more than ten times in the past 10 years but fewer than ninety times
*(A) Accidental - species seen fewer than four times in the past ten years
*(E) Extinct - a recent species that no longer exists
*(I) Introduced - a species introduced, either directly or indirectly, to North America through the actions of humans
Birds listed as either casual or accidental should not be expected to be found anywhere in Iowa with regularity. Except for the casual and accidental birds, only birds that are considered to have established, self-sustaining, wild populations in Iowa or, in the case of extinct species, have had such populations in Iowa in the past are included on this list. This means that birds that are considered probable escapees, although they may have been sighted flying free in Iowa, are not included.
This list is presented in taxonomic order and follows ''The Check-list of North American Birds'' (7th edition, 1998) published by the American Ornithologists' Union. The family accounts at the beginning of each heading reflect this taxonomy, as do the species counts found in each family account. Introduced, casual, accidental and extinct species are included in the total species counts for North America and Iowa.
==Ducks, geese and swans==
Order: AnseriformesFamily: Anatidae

The family Anatidae includes the ducks and most duck-like waterfowl, such as geese and swans. These birds are adapted to an aquatic existence with webbed feet, bills which are flattened to a greater or lesser extent, and feathers that are excellent at shedding water due to special oils. There are 43 Iowa species.
*Black-bellied whistling-duck, ''Dendrocygna autumnalis'' (C)
*Taiga bean-goose, ''Anser fabalis'' (A)
*Greater white-fronted goose, ''Anser albifrons''
*Snow goose, ''Chen caerulescens''
*Ross's goose, ''Chen rossii''
*Brant, ''Branta bernicla'' (C)
*Cackling goose, ''Branta hutchinsonii''
*Canada goose, ''Branta canadensis''
*Mute swan, ''Cygnus olor'' (I)
*Trumpeter swan, ''Cygnus buccinator''
*Tundra swan, ''Cygnus columbianus''
*Wood duck, ''Aix sponsa''
*Gadwall, ''Anas strepera''
*Eurasian wigeon, ''Anas penelope'' (A)
*American wigeon, ''Anas americana''
*American black duck, ''Anas rubripes''
*Mallard, ''Anas platyrhynchos''
*Mottled duck, ''Anas fulvigula'' (A)
*Blue-winged teal, ''Anas discors''
*Cinnamon teal, ''Anas cyanoptera''
*Northern shoveler, ''Anas clypeata''
*Northern pintail, ''Anas acuta''
*Garganey, ''Anas querquedula'' (A)
*Green-winged teal, ''Anas crecca''
*Canvasback, ''Aythya valisineria''
*Redhead, ''Aythya americana''
*Ring-necked duck, ''Aythya collaris''
*Greater scaup, ''Aythya marila''
*Lesser scaup, ''Aythya affinis''
*King eider, ''Somateria spectabilis'' (A)
*Common eider, ''Somateria mollissima'' (A)
*Harlequin duck, ''Histrionicus histrionicus'' (A)
*Surf scoter, ''Melanitta perspicillata''
*White-winged scoter, ''Melanitta fusca''
*Black scoter, ''Melanitta americana''
*Long-tailed duck, ''Clangula hyemalis''
*Bufflehead, ''Bucephala albeola''
*Common goldeneye, ''Bucephala clangula''
*Barrow's goldeneye, ''Bucephala islandica'' (A)
*Hooded merganser, ''Lophodytes cucullatus''
*Common merganser, ''Mergus merganser''
*Red-breasted merganser, ''Mergus serrator''
*Ruddy duck, ''Oxyura jamaicensis''

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